The Pipeline: All Things CD & DevOps Podcast by The CD Foundation

CDF End User Council

April 01, 2021 Jacqueline Salinas, Director of Ecosystem & Community Development Season 2 Episode 12

Implementing continuous delivery practices yield many benefits for organizations, including the ability to deliver features faster, pivot quickly in response to industry and world events and respond to fast feedback and build a deeper relationship with users. Cloud, open source, and continuous delivery have combined to form the basis of technology modernization, but spoiler alert: it’s not just about the technology. The platforms and tooling are maturing, but bringing about organizational change requires relationship-building and other under-utilized “soft skills”.

The Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF) end user council provides the opportunity for end-user organizations to have context-rich discussions on how various organizations pursue their modernization efforts in the most effective way. Topics covered include:

  • Improving developer productivity with automation
  • Enhancing security in delivery pipelines
  • Technology modernization in highly regulated industries
  • Measuring success of efforts

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