The Pipeline: All Things CD & DevOps Podcast by The CD Foundation
The Pipeline: All Things CD & DevOps Podcast by The CD Foundation
cdCon 2021 Preview: Accelerate your Culture of Innovation with Everyday Inclusion
Guest Speaker: Shaaron Alvares
Join this episode for a preview of Shaaron's upcoming cdCon 2021 talk: Accelerate your Culture of Innovation with Everyday Inclusion!
Based on 10 years of research on cognitive diversity and innovation, we know that safer and more inclusive DevOps teams perform and innovate better. Companies that have more diverse management drive 19% higher revenue due to greater innovation. Racially diverse teams outperform non-diverse ones by 35%. And 67% of job seekers look for evidence of inclusion and equality programs when considering a new company. Yet, leaders still struggle to create an inclusive environment for their teams. In this presentation, Shaaron will share effective and actionable practices to help DevOps teams and managers embody inclusion through everyday interaction and collaboration.